21 Jul All of The Hats and The Power of Delegation.
The process of starting up a business can be related to our perspective of an iceberg. We often only see the first 1/10th of it, meanwhile there is a monstrosity waiting below water that we hadn’t previously considered. The sobering truth, is that each business has multiple facets and multiple roles that need filling. Oftentimes, entrepreneurs are required to learn new skills outside of their comfort zone, in order to make their businesses function. If you have had a similar experience, then you know precisely how time consuming the learning process can be.
Luckily, there is no need to reinvent the wheel. There are people out there with strengths in the areas where we have weaknesses, and we shouldn’t have to break the bank to get that help either. Since we know how trying the upstart phases can be, it should be noted that sometimes the help that we need is more within our reach than we think!
One creative and effective way to find a book keeper, social media expert or a graphic designer, is to hire a student! By creating an internship for summer students, you are giving them an opportunity to gain the experience that they lack, but so need. That glimmering reference letter at the end of their term, means as much to them as their work means to you.
Moreover, by contacting certain faculties in the various universities and colleges around your area, you can not only bring someone aboard your team who is fresh and malleable to your company needs, but you will also contribute to Alberta’s economy in providing experience and/or employment for people who can take on the tasks that you simply don’t have the experience to manage. In the end, your working relationship might bring you an irreplaceable employee that goes the extra mile for your business, and you may find more time to practice the skill that makes your business so special in the first place.