04 Oct With Challenges Come Unique Opportunities
Current economic and public health conditions may seem discouraging. Especially to someone who has been considering starting their own business. However, something else has become apparent throughout this pandemic, and that is that people are very adaptive and resilient. We have had amazing entrepreneurs take our program over the last year and a half with incredible business ideas that were created based on the changes we all are experiencing in life. Many have learned that a lot of services can be provided remotely. Aspiring entrepreneurs have noticed this and we are seeing a trend towards more virtual services. Education, administration, finance and marketing are just a few of many industries that are seeing more virtual services being offered or created. There are also many new opportunities for businesses that sell products.
Whether you currently are a business owner or are considering becoming one, identifying opportunities and adapting to major change and challenges is crucial to success. Despite some discouraging economic conditions, some businesses are thriving. Now might be your time!
A message from our founder and CEO, Paul Anderson:
There’s a lot to talk about this month as we see the upcoming end of CRB scheduled for October 23, a drop in business conditions in Alberta, a small drop in the still high level of EI recipients in Alberta, and that Edmontonians lead the country in missed debt payments!
That’s a lot to take in and can be a bit depressing at first glance. There is cause for optimism 6-10 months down the road. But we have to get through some serious challenges before we get to that point. It reminds me of a conversation in a university class many years ago. A business professor stated that “the key to long-term success is to not get stuck in short-term decision-making”. A student from a developing country replied, “but professor, we EAT in the short-term”. It’s great to believe that better days are ahead but we still need to get through another Alberta winter continuing to eat and pay our bills.
Let’s dig in a bit.
The CRB replaced the CERB in September 2020 and has provided benefits for those not able to find employment due to the pandemic. Unless further extended by parliament, the CRB will expire shortly putting at risk those who still haven’t found work.
In addition to the strain put on our health care system, the fourth wave of covid is putting the brakes on business plans to return to a “pre-covid” level of activity. This reduces the employment opportunities for those still looking to return to work.
The financial strain is already visible in Edmonton’s “missed debt payment” statistics and the situation will only get worse for many until we collectively put the pandemic in the rear-view mirror. Although we are moving in that direction, we are moving very slowly for now.
Where do we go from here?
Psychologist and speaker Denis Waitley summed it up well when he said “life’s greatest risk is depending on others for your security.”
If you are still struggling to find full-time employment but you have a marketable skill and a desire to build you own independence, there couldn’t be a better use of your time right now than attending training to start your own business while safely in your home!
We sometimes hear people say that starting a business is risky. But in the long run, what could be more risky than spending years building someone else’s dream instead of your own and then being let go during the next downturn or reaching retirement age with modest RRSP’s and wondering “what if I had…”.
In our government-funded training program we show you how to build a business system that can provide real security if you’re willing to do the work of building it. And no, this isn’t network marketing and we don’t give you a business to start. You bring your own business idea and we teach and coach you in building it.
And you don’t just learn from one or two instructors – we have over 20 entrepreneurs instructing in this program so you’ll learn from a diverse group of people with current business experience!
Now you might say, “why would I take a program to start my own business when we’re still dealing with a pandemic and a fourth wave from the delta variant?” Here’s why:
1) the vaccination rollout, while proceeding slowly, is underway and leading to greater safety in conducting business,
2) the self-employment training program lasts six months,
3) in six months, we’ll be much closer to returning to pre-covid life,
4) your business can operate now if you can minimize in-person contact,
5) customers are flexible now and understand that in-person contact needs to be minimized, and
6) there’s no cost to attend (the program is fully funded by the Alberta government), if receiving EI you can keep getting it while in the program, and if not receiving EI you might be eligible for additional income support funding.
If you think the Self-Employment program and the time is right for you please reach out to us. You can contact us through our website or email us directly at [email protected].