26 Jul The Benefit to Being Uncomfortable
In recent years, we have all become experts at adjusting to adversity. Considering the effects of the pandemic on family, on relationships, on travel and more, it has pushed us to revaluate our priorities. No exception spared in the area of business either. It has moved us to restructure our communication, our methods of collaboration, and even how we provide our services. It is no wonder that during this time, we have all found ourselves submerged in new depths of the unknown. Circulating the individual and collective loss of what we had perceived to be normal.
With this in mind, a valuable lesson comes to mind. Our founder, Paul Anderson, teaches that if we are comfortable for too long, then it is a sign that we may have have ceased to grow. With that we may be experiencing stagnation or even boredom.
Therefore, we should invite discomfort into our lives, as if it were a catalyst for growth. Paul says, “when we experience the sudden surge of discomfort, our body instinctively tells us that we have to learn something new to achieve our next desired outcomes.”
The proof of his lesson materializes in the stories told by many of us, the small business operators. Stories of how we’ve learned to embrace challenge and discomfort. Stories about how we have used it to work to our benefit, to approach more investors, more partners, invest more in marketing, hiring a bookkeeper and more. We know now that embracing the discomfort, is to consider it a helping hand. A guide toward the next step in the journey of refining our businesses.